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Check Your Payments

DCSS HomePaymentsCheck Your Payments

How to check your payments

To view recent payments, you need an online child support account through NY.gov ID. If you already have an online account, log in now.

To create an account, you will need your PIN, your Social Security number, your New York Case Identifier(s), and a valid email address.

You can also hear payment information through our Child Support Information Line (CSIL) at 800-846-0773. You will need your Social Security number and PIN. The CSIL is available 24 hours a day, every day.

You can request a PIN by phone at 888-208-4485 (TTY: 866-875-9975). You will need to provide your full name, Social Security number (SSN), your New York Case Identifier(s), and your mailing address. The PIN will be mailed to the address provided during the call. The first time you call using the PIN you were provided you will be prompted to create a new PIN for future calls to the CSIL.

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