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Enroll for Child Support

DCSS HomeServicesEnroll for Child Support

How to Enroll for Child Support Services

The New York State Child Support Program is committed to helping survivors of family violence access child support services safely.

Enrollment for Child Support Services

To enroll for child support services, complete and submit a Child Support Enrollment Form (PDF) (6 pages). Adobe Reader is needed to view the form.

Are you receiving public assistance?

Anyone who applies for public assistance (Family Assistance or Safety Net Assistance) will be referred for child support services without having to enroll. Medicaid applicants may also be referred for child support services to establish parentage and obtain medical support.

A public assistance parent, caretaker relative, or Applicant/Recipient may refuse, without penalty, to cooperate with parentage establishment and child support enforcement requirements when such cooperation would be against the best interests of the child.

Annual Service Fee

Custodial parents may be charged a service fee once a year. The fee is $35 and applies only when all these conditions are met:

  1. The custodial parent has never received assistance through Family Assistance or Safety Net Assistance.
  2. Child support is being paid to the family.
  3. More than $550 of support is collected and paid to the family during the federal fiscal year (October 1–September 30).

For more information, visit the Services FAQ page.

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